(Skt. Prehavajra)
A set of eleven B/W Notecards with line-drawings by Robert Beer, which depict some of the most important Indian and Tibetan Buddhist lineage holders and gurus. The Notecards come with envelopes, and have a short biography of the lineage master depicted. Priced at £0-70 each, or £5-50 for the full set of eleven.
Considered to be an emanation of Vajrasattva, Garab Dorje was the first human guru of the Dzogchen or Atiyoga teachings. He was born in the West Indian Kingdom of Uddiyana, and the Dzogchen lineage passed from Garab Dorje to Manjushrimitra, Sri Simha, Padmasambhava, Vimalamitra, and Vairocana.
© text by Robert Beer