Kiran Joshi
Standing Sarasvati
Price From : £30.00
Sarasvati, the four-armed wisdom goddess, is the consort of Manjushri or Manjukumara, the 'Sweet-voiced youth'. She appears here in her standing form as Vajra-vina Sarasvati, who is known in Tibetan as the 'Goddess of melodious speech', and in her praises as the 'Immaculate Swan-child'. The...
Sristhikanta Lokeshvara
Price From : £30.00
This painting by Kiran Joshi is based upon an original composition by Siddhimuni Shakya, and shows Sristhikanta Lokeshvara, the 'Glorious Creator, Lord of the World', surrounded by fourteen of the great Brahmanic deities that he has manifested from various parts of his body. Sristhikanta is...