Raj Prakash Tuladhar
White Sukhasiddhi (Khechari)
Price From : £30.00
This painting shows the secret dakini aspect of Vajrayogini as White Khechari, whose practice is associated with the great eleventh century Indian yogini, Sukhasiddhi. Niguma and Sukhasiddhi were the two female yogini teachers of Khyungpo Naljor (10th-12th century), the founder...
Red Sukhasiddhi (Khechari)
Price From : £30.00
This painting shows the secret dakini aspect of Vajrayogini as Red Khechari, whose practice is associated with the great eleventh century Indian yogini, Sukhasiddhi. Niguma and Sukhasiddhi were the two yogini teachers of the Tibetan master Khyungpo Naljor (10th-12th century),...
Vajradhara and Consort
Price From : £30.00
This painting depicts blue Vajradhara, the 'Holder of the vajra', in union with his white consort, Vajrayogini. Vajradhara is the Primordial Buddha of the sarma or 'new-translation' schools (Sakya, Kagyu, Gelugpa) of Tibetan Buddhism, while Samantabhadra is the Primordial Buddha of the nyingma or...
Price From : £34.00
Chandamaharoshana, meaning the "Extremely Violent and Wrathful One", is a ferocious aspect of blue Akshobhya Buddha, who is also known as Achala. The Chandamaharoshana Tantra is an Anuttarayoga or 'Supreme Yoga' practice of the 'father-tantra' class, which emphasizes the development of...
Seated Ardhanarishvara
Price From : £30.00
Ardhanarishvara, meaning the 'Lord who is half woman', is a composite and androgynous image of Shiva-Shakti, or Shiva and his consort Parvati or Umadevi, united together in one bodily form. As in the iconography of virtually all Hindu and Buddhist deities-in-union depictions the male occupies the...