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Robert Beer & Studio of Marc Baudin

Yoga Chakra Diagram

Yoga Chakra Diagram

Artist : Robert Beer & Studio of Marc Baudin

Price From : £32.00

This diagram of the six principal chakras of the Hindu Kundalini-Yoga system was drawn by Robert Beer and rendered into colour at the studio of Marc Baudin in Jaipur, India. The composition shows a naked yogin seated upon a triangular vajra-rock formation, with the faint...

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Yeshe Tsogyal

Yeshe Tsogyal

Artist : Robert Beer & Studio of Marc Baudin

Price From : £30.00

Yeshe Tsogyal (circa 757 to 817-837), meaning the 'Wisdom Lake Queen', was the foremost Tibetan disciple of Guru Rinpoche (Padmasambhava), and the most important of his five main consorts. She is regarded as a manifestation of the goddesses Sarasvati, Vajravarahi, Locana, and Tara, who would later...

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Artist : Robert Beer & Studio of Marc Baudin

Price From : £30.00

This painting of Abhayakaragupta is drawn from a series of thirteen late 17th century thangkas, that were then carved as a series of thirteen woodblock prints at Narthang Monastery near Shigatse in Tibet. The first ten of these images depict the ten previous incarnations of the Panchen Lama, with...

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White Chintamani-Chakra Tara

White Chintamani-Chakra Tara

Artist : Robert Beer & Studio of Marc Baudin

Price From : £30.00

White Tara (Skt. Sita Tara: Tib. Drol-dkar) is the long-life aspect of the female deity Tara, the most popular Buddhist goddess of mercy and compassion. In her longevity aspect White Tara is also known as Saptalocana Tara, or 'seven-eyed' Tara. And as an important yidam or...

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Guru Rinpoche (Padmasambhava)

Guru Rinpoche (Padmasambhava)

Artist : Robert Beer & Studio of Marc Baudin

Price From : £30.00

Padmasambhava or Padmakara (Tib. Pema-jungne), meaning the 'Lotus-born', is the principal aspect of Guru Rinpoche, the 'Precious Guru' from Oddiyana in Western India, who is credited with introducing Vajrayana Buddhism into Tibet during the eighth century. Because of his miraculous...

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Artist : Robert Beer & Studio of Marc Baudin

Price From : £30.00

Jetsun Milarepa (circa 1040-1123), the 'Cotton clad' yogin, is one of the most famous and beloved poet-practitioners of Tibet. His biography and the collection of his 'hundred-thousand' songs of realization exemplify the ultimate aspiration of an ascetic life lived with intense religious...

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